décembre 9th, 2006
Seo World Championship
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The first annual SEO World Championship will start in January. Launched by the swedish agency “Eastpoint Media”, this seo contest will meet much success with the seo community and many participants will join to this championship for earning the biggest gain at this day in a seo contest : The new Citroen C2.
The offer prices at the five first participants :
- 1rst : New Citroen C2.
- 2nd : Carribean Cruise.
- 3rd : Plasma TV from SONY
- 4th : 500$
- 5th : 100$
The first May 2007, one search with “the keywords ” on Google.com, MSN.com and Yahoo.com will define the winner .
The official Website :www.seoworldchampionship.com
A link for osmose tiger
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